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Daymak Helping Hand: Daymak wants to give deserving people
a free mobility scooter or ebike!

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Here at Daymak we’ve grown our business from an out-of-the-garage scooter shop into one of the leading electric vehicle manufacturer and distributors in Canada. And when we think back through all the ups and downs that we went through to get here there is only one thing that remains constant that got us to where we’re at today; our customers.


Without the loyal support and customer base that we’ve built for over 20 years we wouldn’t be able to do what we truly enjoy, making the world a more environmentally friendly place and giving the mobility to those who need it.

And now we’d like to pay it forward!

Here at Daymak we’ve grown our business from an out-of-the-garage scooter shop into one of the leading electric vehicle manufacturer and distributors in Canada. And when we think back through all the ups and downs that we went through to get here there is only one thing that remains constant that got us to where we’re at today; our customers.


Without the loyal support and customer base that we’ve built for over 20 years we wouldn’t be able to do what we truly enjoy, making the world a more environmentally friendly place and giving the mobility to those who need it.

And now we’d like to pay it forward!

How do you enter?

All you need to do is fill out this form and nominate someone you think deserves a free ebike or mobility scooter and what they’ve done to deserve it.

Don’t forget to include photos and really go into detail, we want to know what’s truly going on in our community.

If you know someone who is deserving of a free e-bike or mobility scooter, go ahead and fill out this form below and nominate them. Once per month we’ll reach out to the nominator to verify the persons information and story, and give back to the community that got us here.

Let’s do it!

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